Ritual :: The Art of Soul-Care | A 50-hour YTT Immersion

From our morning cup of coffee to rolling out our mat to our evening wind down, our lives are studded with rituals. To remove these observances that mark the cycles of time would leave us feeling incomplete.

This immersion will bring awareness to all the ways ritual is entwined in our lives. We’ll look at how we operate: are we on auto-pilot, taking our daily and seasonal observances for granted, or is there a sense of reverence for routines we allow in our life? Bringing a sense of sacredness to our routine allows us to develop a deeper gratitude for the connections we have – to our environment, our nourishment, our family and friends, our lineage. Carrying out ritual, whether it is your morning shower or an elaborate puja, can be done with awareness and care or hurried and rushed. Moving through these moments with awareness creates a container, a safe space, a time immemorial, a place where all of the worries small and large fall away. Your attention is drawn to the act of connection with something larger than yourself. In this moment the veils of illusion part and you can see the divine play of the macrocosm and microcosm and sense your dance in the midst of this divine energy. You can see the art of caring for yourself, your Soul, and its connection to the wellbeing of all, not just one. In this moment, what you do becomes sacred, not a chore, and you appreciate the amazing benefits of your routines and practices.

What’s Covered

  • The flow of doshas across time and season, understanding when provocation of dosha occurs, and ways to address imbalances through lifestyle, and dietary choices
    • How to integrate yogic and ayurvedic practices into your daily and seasonal routines without it feeling like a chore
    • The current research and Western viewpoints that explain the benefits of these practices
  • How to create a sacred container and space for your and your students’ practices
  • Experience the ceremonies and ayurvedic self-care practices that mark the passage of the seasons
    • Dive deep into the ayurvedic concept of ritucharya, living one’s life in context to the season through food, herbs, self-care practices, and ceremony
    • Learn to make your own oil blends, masks, and teas to best suit your constitution and address any doshic imbalance
    • The basic techniques of the ayurvedic cleanse
    • Understand the role that traditional puja ceremony plays in the passage of time and the structure of these ceremonies
    • Explore the energies celebrated and pacified through traditional Western & Eastern ceremonies and how to honor these energetic shifts in your own life
    • Learn about the aspects and mantras of the goddess and how to incorporate mantra into yoga and meditation
  • How to make ritual a part of your life without attachment, dogma, and cultural appropriation. Is it possible?


  • Completion of a 200-hour YTT program OR completion of two Om Fairy® immersions including La Dolce Vita.
  • A serious interest in the content of the immersion.